Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cody, WY

Went to Fountain Paint Pot which has all 4 types of geothermal activity in one location. The next stop was Fairy Falls where we did a 5.2 mile hike to enjoy the splendid spring water run off shooting 100 feet down to a crystal clear pool. On our hike back to the car our path was nearly blocked by a 2000 lb. bison, but we managed to persevere. Once back to the car we were greeted by a raven on the hood. We then visited Old Faithful General Store and had a snack and did some shopping. We then waited on Old Faithful to erupt for 1 1/2 hours. While waiting we visited with some people from Joliet, IL. After the eruption we toured the historic Old Faithful Lodge, a spectacular example of rustic architecture. Our road out of the park was closed until 8 pm due to avalanche danger. Fantastic scenery but quite the challenging drive. Arrived in Cody at 10 pm. New adventures tomorrow.

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